Outdoor gear can be pricey, so I always watch for an REI sale to get the best deal. When I lived on the road in a vintage Airstream travel trailer, I had to be smart about what garments and gear to have in my tiny home. The tactical clothing and bags I purchased from REI are still in great shape years later and remain essential tools I use to stay comfortable outside in the fall and winter.
I’m eyeing high-performing winter travel clothing like down jackets, snow apparel, and long-lasting footwear from brands like Patagonia, Sorel, Hoka, and North Face that are on sale for up to 70 percent off at REI. I scoured pages and pages of deals to find the best discounts on top brands for outdoor lovers and travelers alike. Keep reading to find the 50 best outdoor deals at REI this month.
Best Overall Deals
It’s not often you see markdowns of 70 percent, especially on high-ticket items like this men’s Obermeyer jacket, which is $280 off and available in all sizes. I love Patagonia jackets and fleeces to wear for the season, and this Hybrid Jacket in a lovely terra-cotta red is half off. (Plus, I know I can send it into Patagonia’s Worn Wear program if I decide I want a different style in a few years.) As we gear up for peak ski season, it gets harder to find good deals on ski gear, but REI has men’s and women’s bib pants up to 70 percent off. For footwear, I spotted these Bogs Chelsea boots and slip-ons marked down 50 percent — perfect easy-on-and-off travel shoes.
Best Women’s Clothing Deals
REI’s sale on womenswear has marked down everything from anoraks to down jackets. I noticed many discontinued Mountain Hardware styles for 60 percent off, like bib pants and insulated jackets. In my cart, you’ll find this versatile white V-neck Patagonia tee and Toad&Co long-sleeve dress for all-season traveling. I’m also buying several Smartwool crew socks, which I’ll be tucking into stockings and gift bags ahead of the holidays while they’re 71 percent off.
- Patagonia Re-tool Hybrid Jacket, $149 (originally $299)
- Toad&Co Ponderosa Long-sleeve Dress, $45 (originally $90)
- First Chair GTX ePE Bib Pants, $79 (originally $269)
- Flylow Sarah Insulated Anorak, $84 (originally $280)
- The North Face Freedom Insulated Jacket, $160 (originally $320)
- Mountain Hardwear Firefall/2 Bib Snow Pants, $91 (originally $230)
- Mountain Hardwear FireFall/2 Insulated Jacket, $115 (originally $289)
- Mountain Hardwear Firefall/2 Insulated Snow Pants, $80 (originally $200)
- Obermeyer Ariadne Fleece Jacket, $70 (originally $149)
- Mountain Hardwear Dolores Insulated Flannel Shacket, $79 (originally $150)
- Kuhl Celeste Lined Hoodie, $90 (originally $189)
- Patagonia Side Current T-shirt, $29 (originally $59)
- Outdoor Research Coldfront Down Jacket, $114 (originally $229)
- The North Face 1992 Ripstop Nuptse Down Jacket, $175 (originally $350)
Outdoor Research Coldfront Down Jacket
Best Men’s Clothing Deals
Comfy pullovers, hoodies, layering shirts, and vests are all marked down in REI’s men’s clothing sale section. If you’re prepping for snow, you’ll want these 3-in-1 Cargo Snow Pants and an insulating base layer. Don’t miss the Patagonia deals, like up to 50 percent off their classic ‘90s style fleece vest.
- Patagonia Mens Driftwood Canyon Hoodie, $174 (originally $349)
- Patagonia Powder Town Pants, $99 (originally $249)
- Burton Cargo Snow Pants, $100 (originally $200)
- Mountain Hardwear Polartec High-loft Fleece Jacket, $78 (originally $176)
- The North Face Shadow Shirt, $22 (originally $45)
- The North Face Re-Grind Quarter-zip Fleece Pullover, $42 (originally $85)
- Patagonia Down Sweater Vest, $114 (originally $230)
- Fjallraven Ovik Travel Shirt, $55 (originally $75)
- Columbia Helvetia Half-snap Fleece Pullover, $42 (originally $85)
- Ortovox 120 Comp Light Long-sleeve Base Layer Top, $50 (originally $100)
- Patagonia Box Quilted Pullover, $114 (originally $229)
- Patagonia Synchilla Vest, $91 (originally $129)
- 686 Smarty 3-in-1 Cargo Snow Pants, $115 (originally $230)
Patagonia Box Quilted Pullover
Best Travel Bags, Backpacks, and Totes Deals
My number one travel tip is always to bring a collapsible duffel bag in your suitcase (you never know if you’ll find a can’t-leave-behind souvenir you have to check on the way home). If you also like to collect souvenirs on your travels, now is the time to grab REI’s Big Haul Duffel, now 30 percent off, which packs down into its own small envelope and expands into a durable extra piece of luggage should you need it. I also spotted great deals on tote bags and mini messengers, great for day exploring.
- REI Big Haul 28 Recycled Duffel, $70 (originally $100)
- Topo Designs Mini Shoulder Bag, $19 (originally $39)
- Patagonia Black Hole Pack, 25 L, $74 (originally $150)
- Outdoor Research Field Explorer Pack, 25 L, $70 (originally $140)
- Patagonia Fieldsmith Linked Pack, $60 (originally $89)
- Eagle Creek Explore Transit Bag 23 L, $107 (originally $179)
- Gregory Rhune 22 Pack, $83 (originally $140)
- Sherpani Geo Anti-theft Tote, $56 (originally $80)
- Eagle Creek Explore Mini Messenger Bag, $47 (originally $79)
- Herschel Supply Co. Little America Mid-volume Pack, 21 L, $84 (originally $120)
- Mountain Hardwear Rakau 22 Pack,$56 (originally $100)
Topo Designs Mini Shoulder Bag
Best Travel Accessories and Outdoor Gear Deals
REI has more than just tactical apparel; it also is home to a curation of some of the best travel gear and adventure equipment on the market. This InfinityLab InstantCharger will keep all of your tech equipment charged and comes with plug adaptors for three different kinds of outlets. In anticipation of snow sports, reevaluate your equipment and refresh with new ski poles or snow goggles while they’re 61 and 50 percent off, respectively.
InfinityLab InstantCharger 100W 4 USB
Best Shoe Deals
REI carries some of the best brands in comfortable footwear, like Merrell, Sorel, Hoka, and On. They’re all on sale right now, like these Hoka hiking boots that are over half off their original price. If you’re in need of insulating shoes or waterproof shoes, now is the time to grab them. And although it isn’t the season for sandals, I can’t resist these versatile Sorel Crisscross Slides while they’re 60 percent off.
- On Cloudhorizon Waterproof Hiking Shoes, $142 (originally $199)
- Merrell Moab 3 Mid Waterproof Hiking Boots – Women’s, $90 (originally $150)
- Bogs Kicker Leather Chelsea Boots, Women’s, $65 (originally $130)
- Dakine Slush Sport Boots, Women’s, $45 (originally $110)
- Merrell Moab Speed Mid Gore-Tex Hiking Boots, Women’s, $85 (originally $170)
- Bogs Kicker Leather Slip-ons, Women’s, $60 (originally $120)
- Dakine Drift Mountain Bike Shoes, Men’s, $69 (originally $140)
- Sorel Viibe Crisscross Slides, Women’s, $48 (originally $120)
- REI Co-op Swiftland MT Trail-Running Shoes, Women’s, $39 (originally $130)
- Hoka Trail Code GTX Hiking Boots, $92 (originally $185)
Sorel Viibe Crisscross Slides
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