Savannah Herald

6 Reasons Why Your Affirmations Aren’t Working (+ How To Fix It)

November 4, 2020

The benefits of positive affirmations are endless – self-growth, effortless manifestation and immense confidence boost to name a few. In fact, I’m just going to come out and say it – affirmations changed my life.

They’re one of my absolute favourite spiritual practices and also one of the longest standing parts of my manifestation routine.

Wondering how to actually make affirmations work for you? I’m going to share why your affirmations aren’t working and what you can do to fix it ASAP.


You don’t understand the strategy behind how to make affirmations work for you

Understanding the science and strategy behind affirmations is a gamechanger. It helped me go from seeing affirmations as something I might want to do every once in a while, to getting super clear on what I actually wanted AND how to manifest those dreams into reality. I also now combine my NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) techniques with affirmations to make them even more powerful.

Before you dive into just saying any old affirmation you find online, set an intention to set yourself up for success with background knowledge and do some research. For affirmations to work for you, you need to both believe in the process and also in yourself.


You don’t believe in yourself

As kids, we are taught to dream with reckless abandon. But somehow as we begin to grow up we lose that childish sense of innocence where we truly believe anything is possible.

You can listen to positive affirmations for days on end, but if you don’t actually BELIEVE what you’re saying at a subconscious level it’s a waste of time. In order to get the most out of affirmations, you need to at the very least believe what you’re saying could one day be true for you. Otherwise what you’re actually affirming to yourself is the OPPOSITE of what you’re saying.

If you’re not quite there just yet make sure to combine your affirmations with other methods to build your confidence and reprogramme your beliefs so that you do.

You haven’t bypassed your conscious mind

Your subconscious is responsible for running 90% of your life. This means the REAL transformation in your life happens at an unconscious level. So in order to pave way for the new beliefs, you need to go deep into the crevices of your mind and weed out any dust bunnies that have been lingering a little too long.

Ask yourself what are the thoughts that come up around your new affirmations? How do these make you feel?


You aren’t embodying your affirmations

If you want to make lasting change to your life you need to fully embody that 2.0 persona. That means no more affirming to yourself that you’re a powerful woman, whilst continuing to people please or go against your better judgement.

Affirmations don’t magically change your life just because you say them. They change your life because they become your new truth. You raise your standards then begin living your life in line with those new standards. The old patterns fall away and you sink into your new normal. For a while… until it’s time to raise the bar again.


You never listen to your affirmations

It’s time to get real with yourself and ask HOW are you holding yourself accountable?

It’s not enough to say your affirmations from time to time and hope that one day your dreams will materialise. If you’re wondering how to make affirmations work faster do this – treat them with love. Begin incorporating them as part of your regular manifestation routine. Make it a habit and commit to showing up for that 2.0 version of yourself. Every. Single. Day.

How to make affirmations work for you

Okay as promised I’m now going to share with you how to make affirmations actually work for you!

My new ebook Alchemising Affirmations combines EVERYTHING I’ve just shared with you into one complete guide. You’ll learn the science and strategy behind how affirmations actually work, gain access to affirmations for each step of my 5-step framework for effortless manifestation and understand how to create powerful affirmations of your own.

PLUS on top of that, I’ll be teaching you two techniques I created for my private clients to make their affirmations work faster, even when they struggle to believe them!

Grab your copy of Alchemising Affirmations today.


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