A new year has begun. How’s it going so far? Did you turn the page over in your mind with excitement or dread? Sometimes I wish the new year didn’t begin during the winter months, as I’d prefer Spring to help with a hopeful outlook. However, maybe by beginning a new year in the winter teaches us to trust in God’s plan more than our own. I’m thankful for a sunny day today as I write.
To plan or not to plan? Is that the question?
I don’t know about you, but planning has always been in my blood. My mother was a planner; I guess she had to be with five children, a job, and church responsibilities. I went into my marriage with a plan but soon realized that life with my Egyptian-American husband and on the mission field would have to be a bit (a lot actually) more flexible. The only things I ended up really planning was the day I washed clothes and cleaned my house, otherwise, I wasn’t always sure what day it was!
That said, you may be looking at a new year with a full plan in your mind and even on paper or computer. However, if you’re one that takes things as they come, there’s merit in that as well. Either way, we all serve the One who has The Plan in his hands, and we can rest in knowing that he will see it to completion by using us for his purposes and to his glory.
When we begin the first day of a new year, we don’t know what’s ahead, despite potential plans we might have made, and it’s good to learn to hold them lightly in moving forward. Today, I want to let you know that, not only do you have the Good Shepherd guiding your paths and watching over you as you serve, but you also have friends and colleagues who are happy to journey with you in prayer, support, and counsel.
It is for this reason I write this blog and have a Mission Monday focus. I’ve walked in your shoes in cross-cultural service, and I want to encourage you in the ministry the Lord’s given you. Not only do I write this blog, but I’ve written three books specifically for missionaries. As you begin this new year and whatever your plans, you may find one or all of my books an encouragement for you.
This book, published in 2021, includes multiple examples of how life on mission can change when you least expect it. What do you do when your life and work come to a screeching halt because of government upheaval, security concerns, illness, aging parents, children’s needs, or a global pandemic? I will walk with you through how God can help you navigate the emotions and despair brought by these and other closed doors while opening new ways to service, healing, and growth.
This new year may have you in a new location. It’s not easy to find your way, and you may even be experiencing feelings of disappointment or anger toward the land and people you’re supposed to serve. Published in 2022, I wrote this book to help missionaries address the realities you may be facing. The hope is that I provide ways to help you be more effective in service while less stressed in life. You might find it a good book to study as a group with your colleagues, and there are discussion questions to help with that.
I was so thankful that William Carey agreed to take a chance on me and publish this book as their first devotion for missionaries in 2024. You may be beginning the new year realizing that mission work is actually just hard work, and you fear you’re going to hit a brick wall of faith at some point soon. If so, this is the book for you, and it’s my prayer that it will help you reconnect with your faith, find strength in God’s promises, and help you to press on in your call, despite the difficulties. It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been on the field—When Serving Gets Tough can be an avenue for God to speak into your cares and concerns.
Feel free to connect.
While I’d be honored for you to find help and comfort through my books and blog posts, I also want you to know that you can reach out to me anytime through my website contact link. You may have a question about something I’ve written or you just want me to pray with you about an issue. I’m here for that, so don’t hesitate to write me. I will answer.
Whatever your plans for this new year, whatever the Lord brings your way, know that you have a sister in Christ who is thankful for your service and is always willing to come alongside you through her writing and correspondence. Blessings to you for a new year that brings overwhelming opportunities to see God at work.
Grace and Peace
If you missed the last Mission Monday post, click HERE, or check out this page with all my books.