Savannah Herald

BFT’s Top 25 in Mental Health and Wellness: Mental Health

Dr. Spirit is a practicing Therapist, media personality, and Owner of T2S Enterprises, a global behavioral health firm based in Atlanta, GA. She specializes in enhancing relationships, resolving trauma, and improving overall daily functioning. Through collaboration with stakeholders worldwide, Dr. Spirit champions responsible, sustainable access to mental healthcare while mentoring aspiring healers around the world.

Find Dr. Spirit at: @Talk2Spirit

A healed mind will create a life that exceeds your wildest expectations

Dr. Spirit

Minaa B. is a licensed social worker, mental health educator, and author of Owning Our Struggles. She is also the founder of a mental health consulting practice where she collaborates with organizations to help them develop psychological safety. Additionally, Minaa is the host of the Verywell Mind podcast, runs an advice column for Cosmopolitan magazine called Free Therapy, and is also a member of the Mental Health Advisory Committee for Wondermind, a mental fitness company co-founded by Selena Gomez.  An expert in her field, Minaa has been featured in various media outlets, including Red Table Talk, Peace of Mind with Taraji, Oprah Daily, Katie Couric Media, and more. Minaa currently resides in New York City.

Find Minaa at: @minaa_b

Self-care is the bridge to community care, and community care is the bridge to community healing

Minaa B

Faith Broussard Cade has almost 15 years of experience as a professional school counselor and mental health counselor and also worked as a baker and a food blogger, before shifting to writing inspirational affirmations on pieces of handmade paper and publishing two guided journals on the transformative power of self- care and self- love. Her work on personal healing, wellness, and self- care advocacy has inspired over 305,000 people and counting via social media to choose introspection, gratitude, and finding peace in things most take for granted.

Find Faith at: @fleurdelisspeaks

Dr. Janie Lacy is a licensed psychotherapist and relationship trauma expert. She’s dedicated to helping individuals overcome past hurts, build healthy relationships, and create meaningful lives.

Find Dr. Lacy at: @DrJanieLacy

Mental health and wellness are not just about surviving, but thriving. It’s about building resilience, nurturing relationships, and creating a life that’s aligned with our values

Dr. Janie Lacy

Dr. Peace Amadi is a psychology professor, author, and speaker who helps people heal and lead. In her debut book, Why Do I Feel Like This, she merges clinical insight and faith to help readers listen to the hidden messages of their emotions rather than spiritually-bypass them.

Find Dr. Peace at: @itspeaceamadi

With mental health being the next “pandemic” projected, it’s so important to get vigilant about your mental health now. Your relationship with your mind, emotions, body and spirit really matters. 

Dr. Peace

Human first, everything else second. I help people find their voice in their story, and specialize in working with superheroes; those who are running in when everyone else is running out. Somewhere along their purpose path, they were invisibly injured and are now looking to acclimate to their new normal. 

Find Jessica at: @marciesmom_

There are some folks out here that are treasures in earthen vessels that have been tried and true; folks that don’t look at anyone else because they KNOW what it cost them to be broken and to refract the light- stay true to you, because what broke them down in their process, may kill you in yours

Jessica Jefferson

Dr. Natasha Goodman is a licensed professional counselor, counselor supervisor, speaker, and relationship mentor. Dr. Goodman specializes in helping black women prioritize their emotional, social, and spiritual wellness in order to prepare themselves for the healthy relationships they desire. Dr. Goodman has been in the mental health field for over 10 years. Dr. Goodman currently provides therapy services to individuals, couples, and families, provides clinical supervision to associate licensed clinicians, and provides mentorship for healthy relationships.

Find Dr. Goodman at: @dr.natasha.goodman

Understanding that discipline is a form of self love will be helpful on your journey to improved wellness. 

Dr. Goodman

Dr. Ayanna Abrams is a licensed clinical psychologist, CEO/Founder of Ascension Behavioral Health and co-founder of Not So Strong, an initiative to improve the mental health and relationship functioning of Black women. Her specialties include racism based trauma, mood disorder treatment, burnout prevention and helping people create and recreate healthy romantic, friendship, career and familial relationships. She has extensive clinical and research experience working with Black people across the Diaspora and has been featured as a speaker or contributing writer in the New York Times, the Atlantic, Essence, Therapy for Black Girls and Silence the Shame. She is also a contributing author to the books, Emotionally Focused Therapy for African American Couples: Love Heals and the Handbook on Counseling African American Women: Psychological Symptoms, Treatments, and Case Studies. She currently sits on the board of Black Girls Smile, Inc. and Silence the Shame non-profit organizations.

Find Dr. Abrams at: @dr_ayanna_a

Priority in your mental health & wellness is not luxury nor privilege nor optional; You have the absolute right to be well and it is all of our responsibility to seek health & wellness for ourselves and others.

Dr. Abrams

Chalice Nelson is a blooming mental health professional utilizing innovative ways to promote mental wellness. As an author and owner of a boutique virtual practice servicing clients in Georgia and Florida, her focus on creativity as a critical component of wellness allows her to provide a unique perspective to the community she serves. 

Find Chalice at: @chalicenelsonlpc

Achieving mental wellness is a beautiful journey of learning that many of the answers are right inside of you

Chalice Nelson

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