The more I travel the harder it is to impress me. I find myself a bit jaded at times and it truly has impacted how I’ve viewed different destinations. But, a few years ago I realized what my problem was. Travel had become a race to tick places off instead of
What I’ve created below is a set of things I would love to do in my lifetime. The order
Handmade 100% Buckwheat Noodles in Japan
Any foodie will tell you just how amazing Ramen is. Japan takes it to another level. With some Ramen shops actually having Michelin stars in Japan. While I’ve eaten some amazing noodles during my time stationed and
Attend a Mascarade Ball (Austria)
I studied Medieval European history in college. Actually, I was obsessed with it. At one point I could tell you how every major Monarch is related to another. Sidenote, A LOT are cousins at least. With Alexander Dumas being one of my
Live in London and NYC for 30 Days
I’m a city boy. I love the energy, diversity, architecture, and opportunities that exist in major cities. Not to mention the shots I can capture as a street photographer. NYC and London have been two of my
Take Mother to Asia Foodie Trip (Thailand)
My mother is the very definition of a foodie. While I’ve seen her eat and create some amazing dishes, she hasn’t had the opportunity to truly explore other cuisines. And I figure I would take her to the most foreign place I can think of. Asia. I’m also pretty excited to see the things that will freak her out.
Hike Patagonia (Chile and Argentina)
I’m not a nature guy. But there are some places which are magnificent enough to shake off my aversions and get me on the trails. Patagonia is one of the few natural wonders that’s always called to me. I don’t make it to South America very often as it doesn’t appeal much to my interests, but I hope to combine this with a larger continental exploration.
Go to the Olympics (Japan 2020)
I believe the Olympics are the greatest example of international comradery and respect. And Japan happens to be one of my
Win a Photography Award
While I don’t rely on the validation of others, I’m always working to better my skills as a photographer and visual storyteller. And the world of photography has shifted quite a bit. With images being manipulated to the point of fantasy. I want to capture the world in a way that educates and inspires. And by entering more photography contests it will push me to sharpen my skills in this area.
Learn 10 Songs on The Piano in Austria
Playing an instrument well has always been a goal of mine. While I can strum a bit on the guitar and place my hands in the right place on a piano, I would love to actually learn how to properly play. Austria was home to some of the best musicians of all time. Mozart, Schubert, and Strauss all called it home.
Have an Exhibit of my Photography for Charity
There are a lot of causes I care about. And I’ve been blessed with the ability to explore the world in a way many can’t. With my growth as a photographer has come the ability to make a living at it. But I also want to give back. Having a gallery exhibit of my work has long been a goal of mine. And using the proceeds for charity has also been on my mind.
Road Trip through New Zealand
Some destinations tend to top many photographers lists of places to explore. With New Zealand’s natural landscapes topping that list. In all my travels I’ve rarely come across kinder and more welcoming people than Kiwi’s and I’m excited to finally visit their home country. Anyone want to come?
Learn to Cook Local Dishes in 20 Countries
Cooking is probably what I would call my hobby. And the more I travel the more I discover amazing dishes I had no idea existed. And what better way to share that experience than learning how to actually cook them. I come from a family of cooks and have been cooking for as long as I could remember. I would likely be a chef if I wasn’t a travel journalist.
Spend the Night in a Castle
Like I mentioned above, Medieval European history is a passion of mine. And I’ve always wanted to stay in a castle. Complete with all of the traditional accommodations afforded to guests during
Train BJJ for a month in Brazil
Photograph the BIG 5 (Africa)
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to take an African safari. But it never felt like the right time. From cost to health reasons, I’ve never been able to pull it off. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how long the Big 5 will survive with the current state of poaching and global warming. So I want to see them in their natural habitat before it’s too late. And maybe raise awareness to
Pay For A Strangers First Trip Abroad
The higher my profile becomes the more people reach out to me for travel tips and advice. And it breaks my heart when I meet and chat with people that I feel truly deserve a trip abroad. I want to make that happen. While I’ve focused on getting kids abroad for years, I want to help adults as well. I’ve worked VERY hard to be in the position I’m in. But I understand that there are many that are in tough spots where they can’t live the lives they want. I hope to help where I can.
Dive El Museo Subaquàtico de Arte (Mexico)
Diving is one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done. The silence and
Fly on a L
While I’ve flown on private planes before, it’s never been as a civilian or in a personal capacity. This is just one of those once in a lifetime kind of things that has always appealed to me. Especially if I can take a bunch of my crazy friends with me.
Fluency In Another Language
I speak several languages terribly. I have a great deal of respect for those able to communicate in multiple languages. While I’m a bit old to be starting, it’s definitely a personal mission of mine. The languages will likely be Spanish or Thai as these are the languages I can actually study.
Become a Tea Expert
I’m a BIG fan of coffee. Unfortunately, my stomach isn’t. Which is why I’ve transitioned over to teas and happier for it. Tea is one of the few drinks that I can actually tell the difference between the
Everywhere in the Secret Life of Walter Mitty
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was a film that truly sparked a fire under my ass. It was a movie that didn’t feature the cliché destinations that most “travel” films do. Paris, Bangkok, Bali, South Africa, India, etc etc etc. Instead it highlighted not only alternative destinations but truly immersing in the transformative experience of travel. And unfortunately, many of the places featured I haven’t visited or haven’t as a civilian. The destinations are Greenland, Afghanistan, Iceland, and Yemen
Play Poker in Monte Carlo
I was a pretty serious Poker player in my early to
Singles Cruise in Carribbean
I’m single and ready to mingle!!! And I’ve always wanted to attend a singles cruise for some reason. Cruises have never really felt like my thing. Always thought of families and old people. But I’ve heard some singles cruises are putting on amazing events. I’m also considering doing a
Become a Wine Sommelier (France, Spain, Italy, Moldova, Argentina)
I have zero desire to ever work in a restaurant. But I’ve always been fascinated by Wine and the culture around it. Unfortunately for
So that’s it for me. This is one of those things that should always change and evolve. I’m not the same person as I was 5 years ago and hope I’m not the same 5 years from now. As I complete these things I’ll add a pic to this original post. So tell me, what travel experiences do you hope to complete in your adventures?