Savannah Herald

How to Speed Up Your Manifestation (3 Powerful Catalysts)

October 7, 2020

There are three months left of the year. That means it’s time to stop fucking around and start setting those powerful intentions so you can BACK YOURSELF and build your future. If that’s got you feeling like ‘oh shit’ don’t panic because today I’m going to give you a huge head start.

Understanding this truth about manifestation completely changed the game for me. Not only in the way I show up, but also in the way I teach my private clients. If you’re gearing up to manifest some big goals then here are the three secrets to fast manifestation.


Understand time is just a construct

Before we go any further it’s important to give some thought to the true nature of time, and how to use it to your advantage to manifest your dreams into reality. This is touching lightly on the concept of quantum manifestation, but don’t worry if this is all new to you you don’t need any prior understanding. So here’s the truth  – time doesn’t exist outside of your own mind. There’s no physical, tangible object you can pick up labelled ‘time’. Not to mention different areas of the world exist on completely different spectrums of time.

That means when you set dates for your manifestations and don’t hit them, the only person who is truly keeping score is you. There is no angry time wielder cursing you for not manifesting your desires on X date. Despite what your imposter syndrome may tell you no one is judging you from missing the mark that YOU set.

So although it may seem counterproductive in order to speed up your manifestation you must first understand that it’s okay to be flexible. Your goals are not trees – they can be moved. It’s important to have these markers so your desires aren’t just wishes for one day, but ask yourself whether the world will truly collapse if the timing is a little out.


Detach from the outcome

I always use the example with my clients of becoming a millionaire. If you set the goal to become a millionaire by X date and then didn’t hit it would you throw in the towel and start to believe manifesting didn’t work? Or would you keep going knowing it didn’t matter when exactly the money came, all that mattered was it was coming?

It’s really a question of what are your dreams worth to you? When you can release the desperation and neediness that’s when you can truly begin to play the game.

Expectancy theory states that whatever you expect you get. So sure you could choose to believe that your manifestation must just not be coming OR you could choose to believe no matter what it was on its way. That it wasn’t a matter of IF but of WHEN. Both are just beliefs you choose to hold. Where will you choose to direct your faith? And if you’re currently struggling with keeping the faith ask ‘how can I build it?’


Align with the energy of playfulness

Having released the need to control the outcome now you can begin to play around with the third catalyst for speeding up your manifestations which is… fun!

Want to know the number one thing I’m usually doing when one of manifestations comes through? Dancing! I love to dance. It makes me feel really good and I KNOW I am sending out magnetic energy into the world when I feel aligned with that version of myself that owns her body and sexuality. Yes, gorgeous the universe works fast when you’re having fun.

Whatever it is that you love to do – do more of it. We’ve been taught to hustle harder, work harder, spend more hours and all of that certainly has a place however consider how it feels in your body. If that feels good for you, great go ahead keep doing it. But, personally, I love to flow through my days. I don’t want to feel like I’m playing it close to the wire if I can help it (and usually I can). It is your fucking job to feel good. That’s it!

Play is not just a celebration for hitting your target – it’s part of the process. When you feel good you are aligning with the energy of your desires. You literally become a magnet for ideas, opportunities and people. Think about it. Have you ever met someone and just instantly felt energised by being in their presence?

You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but they were just so easy to be around. Everything they said just resonated with you and you left the interaction hoping to cross paths with them again. When you honour the energy of love and playfulness you become that person.

Combining all three catalysts

Okay, now for the final part – combining all of the elements together to bring about your manifestations faster.

When you’re waiting for something or doing something you don’t enjoy time just feels like it drags on. Hence feeling like your desires are taking ages to manifest. Now, knowing that time is a construct that you can control, you understand that you can speed up time by doing things you enjoy.

You also know when you align with the energy of playfulness you open yourself up to opportunities, which in turn can speed up your manifestation. The last step is to release the obsession of having the exact details of when and trusting your intuition. This can be done by increasing your faith and building your knowledge on the way the universe works.

BONUS TIP: Become a conscious alchemist

If you’ve loved this blog post and want to take the lessons even further I’d love to invite you to join my manifestation course Conscious Alchemy – How to manifest a life by design using spirituality and strategy. It’s the course I WISH I’d had when I began on my spiritual journey and covers my 5-step framework for effortless manifestation.

What I’ve given you here is just a taste of what’s to come. We go into MUCH greater detail on all these concepts (and more) over the course of 5 training videos and you get a tonne of bonuses like workbooks and affirmations to really help you integrate what you’ve learned. Because remember knowledge without power is just data. It’s when we give it meaning and take ACTION that it becomes useful information that we can literally code into our being at a cellular level. The best part is all the modules are pre-recorded so you can begin today!

Think about it. How would it feel for effortless manifestation and the energy of play to just become a normal part of your everyday life?

Learn more and enrol for Conscious Alchemy here

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