Savannah Herald

Preacher Faces Backlash over Publicly Shaming Pregnant Teenage Girl, News In Progress

January 9, 2025 / loislane5496 / Edit

by Nadia Johnson

In this day and age, I must confess to going to a pastor and spilling my secrets with the notion that they will not tell anyone or condemn me for it is long gone. You see in the age of Project 2025 more and more pastors are showing their judgemental side and lacking their compassion side. This is the case with a young girl who goes to a black was forced to apologize to your church for being pregnant out of wedlock the pastor stated that as a result of her being pregnant out of wedlock, the church would not throw her a baby shower. Furthermore, he noted that no one from the church should attend a baby shower for the baby as well.

This confession ritual of saying one’s sins was not only done in front of the True Vine Apostolic Church of Christ congregation, which is in Hampton, Virginia, and whose pastor is Rev. Terry Jackson, but it was also filmed and put on the internet for the whole world to see.

Now, I have a few problems with this confession of this young girl, which is one where the boy got her pregnant. Why was he not forced to confess his sins to the church congregation of having sex before marriage? What I see here is how the church is using its power to suppress women and liberty men. For a while the girl is ridiculed, shamed, and made to feel exiled by the church, the boy is not being blamed, shamed, or even having to share equally in the public shaming that she is going through. Let’s make one thing clear this girl did not go to the fertility clinic to get knocked up she had unprotected sex with her boyfriend and that is how she got pregnant. The notion that it is all the girl’s fault goes back to Eve. Where Eve is blamed for the fall of mankind because Adam ate the forbidden fruit. The church time and time again fails to state that mankind failed because Adam ate the forbidden fruit of his own free will and he could have just rejected Eve’s offer of the forbidden fruit.

But, once again society loves to blame women. However, this girl does have some support. Her confession that was shown on the internet has gone viral and it is opening up a debate on whether the church went too far with this confession ritual. Even Sunny Hustion of the View TV show stated that she would throw the baby shower for this girl and I agree. This baby needs to know that it is loved and is going to be celebrated. More so the young girl herself needs to know that even though she does not have the support of her church or mother who has sided with the pastor in the treatment of her daughter. Some strangers are willing to stand by her and her baby and some churches would uplift her and help support her and her baby, which is something she is going to need if she wants to be successful in life.

Which, I think is the most important because whether they like it or not a new life is coming into this world and the time to prepare for him or her is now and the time to get the father involved in this child’s life is also know because babies don’t stay babies for long. In the end, the only thing children are going to remember is who loves them and who is there for them and the rest will be background noise.

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