SAVANNAH. Ga. (WSAV) — All Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools (SCCPSS) and facilities will return to full operation for in-person learning on Monday, January 27, 2025, with all schools operating on their regular schedules. Staff have conducted inspections of HVAC and other building components in preparation for the return of students tomorrow. Parking lots, common areas, and walkways have been cleared of snow and ice, and school bus pre-checks have been completed.
While walkways and parking lots are generally clear, students, families, and staff are encouraged to use caution as patches of snow and ice may remain in shaded areas where sunlight is limited. Some roads and sidewalks may be slippery as ice and snow continue to melt.
Entryways onto school grounds or into school facilities may be altered as a precautionary matter. Please follow the directions of school personnel should there be a need to alter movement on school grounds if snow or ice persist in certain areas. During school arrival, please be alert to possible detours or other traffic directions, as necessary.