Minority Nomad started with one simple goal. To inspire and help kids from marginalized communities travel the world. So programs like ScholarTrips is something I can fully get behind. Allianz Travel Insurance started the ScholarTrips program in 2004. Since then they’ve awarded over $150,000 in scholarships to US students. A substantial amount when it comes to studying abroad. Today marks the first day of their 2018 campaign. And I’m happy to bring it to you.
Programs like ScholarTrips gives people a chance at travel when they normally might not have the opportunity. Particularly for those from less fortunate backgrounds. While many schools have grants which cover some expenses of studying abroad, many could use a little extra to cover additional costs.
Each year ScholarTrips has a different prompt for students to answer. This years question is “If you could take any TV or movie character with you on your trip abroad, (animated, animal, or human), who would you take and why?”. The ability to answer in essay or video fun opens up a lot of creative possibilities. So seeing this got me to thinking what my answer would be.
One of my favorite movies is the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I think it would be kind of fun exploring the world with Walter. But I don’t think he would be my first choice. My travel partner has to be someone fun but reliable. Monsieur Gustave from the Grand Budapest Hotel would be my pick. Me and that guy would tear the world up…….in style.
The Rules
Check here for the official rules. But the main one, this scholarship is for US based students 14 years and older. So if you’re finely aged like myself pass this on to a student or two that you think could benefit from studying abroad. And lets be honest, isn’t that everyone?
For those applying, good luck. Show Allianz Travel Insurance and the world the creativity and passion for travel that you have. Win or not, this is an excellent way to prepare yourself for a life of exploration and travel. Putting yourself out there is the first step. And for those that can’t apply, help us create a new generation of global citizens by sharing programs like this and telling your story of studying and traveling abroad.
Disclaimer: I work as an ambassador for Allianz Global Assistance (AGA Service Company) and receive financial compensation.
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