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Signs You’re in a “Dead End” College Major — The HBCU Career Center

A man with a backpack and headphones standing in front of a window.

Lists of “hot careers” are often a favorite of college students as they decide on a major.

However, a word of caution about using these lists. While it’s a good idea to use these lists to explore potential career paths — it’s important for students to remember that just because a career is “hot” doesn’t mean it’s for YOU.

Too many college students who turn to these lists for career planning advice, regrettably end up trapped in the wrong majors that don’t actually fit their values, interests, skills and abilities. What we call your V.I.S.A. is the real money maker that sustains you through the ups and downs of college or a career.

A bad choice of college major can lead to a profession where job satisfaction is almost impossible.Without intervention and changing majors, students can end up trapped in the wrong careers.

3 Clues You’re in a Dead End College Major

You have no passion for the subjects in your core classes.

If you are a psychology major and not enjoying or doing well in Psych 101, or the basic Psychology course on your campus, this major may not be for you. If you find that you are not reading assigned texts or participating in class discussions, this college major may not be for you.

You have zero curiosity about what’s happening in the occupation.

If you have no interest or curiosity about the careers that emanate from your college major or if you have no interest outside the classroom about the major, then you may be in the wrong place. If you are not interested in talking to people in your major, learning more about the major outside of class and finding out about successful career paths for students in your major; you may be in the wrong place.

You were pressured to choose your college major to fulfill someone else’s dream

This happens a lot more than you think.  Many times college students end up in dead end majors because parents, teachers or friends told them it would be a good choice. There is no way to avoid doing your own research to find your own passion.

Choosing a college major is a serious decision and students owe it to themselves to make a thoughtful choice. If you think you are in the wrong major, please visit your campus career center.

Planning future career moves? Use our career insights tool to research education and certifications needed to succeed in your field, salary ranges in your profession, and the overall prospects of your industry.

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