October 19, 2020
There have been many times in my life when I’ve asked for a sign. There have also been an equal number of times where I’ve already known the answer and been scared to commit. I see so many of my clients struggle with indecision. Being afraid to move forward in case they make a wrong turn. All the while the ego is back there running the show and saying I don’t want to become redundant – so let’s just stay in fear.
If you’re ready to release your fear it’s time to stop asking for a sign and start moving forward.
Connect with your intuition
What if I told you you already had your own internal sign system that you could turn to whenever you wanted? Yes, really. When you connect with your intuition you need never ask because it is already given. You become a conduit for miracles. But in order to allow first, you need to deeply believe in the strength of your inner power. Sometimes for this to happen your mind needs proof so practice connecting, asking and carrying out tasks based on the advice you’ve been given.
Speak directly to your subconscious
Whenever I feel unsure one of the first places I turn to is my journal. Practice cultivating a sense of self-awareness around your desires and fears. When you do this you not only learn what strategies are running your life, but you also begin to learn WHY you’re running them. With my clients, we go one step further and begin to drastically shift and reprogramme those strategies. When you’re running in default mode OF COURSE you are going to need constant reassurance. That’s why this step is crucial for overcoming the need for certainty.
Understand why the sign works
Do you have anything in your wardrobe that just makes you feel really good when you wear it or items that you keep for a special occasion because they make you feel different? For me, it’s my diamond ring. Whenever I wear it I instantly feel I step into my ‘that bitch’ energy.
In fact, I love wearing it whenever I’m showing up to live videos because I want to share that radiant energy with my community. Has the ring been infused with a special energy that makes it different from anything else I own? No. Does it have magical properties? Not that I’m aware of. Why then do I feel like hot shit when I wear it? Because that’s the meaning that I’ve given it. That is the intention that I’ve infused into it. It could just as easily be a special rock (and yup I have one of those too).
So when you’re asking for a sign, and you then receive the sign and feel lighter or like you’re on the right path it’s because you’ve set the intention that that’s what the sign will do for you. The sign itself is just an object that you’ve placed meaning on.
Now that you know that you can go right ahead and skip all of the noise in between and just get to trusting the universe (and yourself).
Take aligned action
The best way to overcome the fear of failure is to just do the damn thing. The world will not collapse. You will not regret your decision for years to come. In actually taking your action you are then allowing yourself to gather feedback in real-time instead of relying on predictions from random objects. PLUS, just saying, most actions are reversible. So if things truly went to shit you can correct course and turn back. In fact, even when you do ask for a sign there’s STILL the possibility things won’t go according to plan. It’s how you react that makes the difference.
Remember to use your intuition to guide your decision making and tune into that beautiful brain of yours.
What happens when you stop asking for signs
Gorgeous, the moment you stop asking for signs is the moment you stop clinging so tightly to the idea that someone or something else holds more power over your life’s choices than you do. Once you do this that’s when the signs begin to show up. The nudges, the ‘coincidences’, the angel numbers… all of it.
Because there’s no longer any pressure to live anything other than your truth. Sure your truth might change from day-to-day even moment to moment. But all that matters is you make a decision that’s grounded in what feels true for you at the time. That’s it.
Join The Manifest Edit 1:1 Mentorship
One of the things I love most about working with my 1:1 clients is helping them to cultivate that lifelong sense of connection to their intuition and purpose-led life. Leading them to a place where they can find answers inside of themselves time and time again. If you’d like to learn more about how we can work together I’d love to invite you to The Manifest Edit 1:1 Mentorship programme. It’s my signature coaching programme for ambitious women who have the audacity to say yes to their dreams.
Throughout the programme, you’ll learn how to create deep connections with your intuition and your subconscious mind so that you can manifest your life by design.
This is a high-level intuitive programme for women who are serious about creating radical shifts in their lives.