It’s getting spicy out there.
On Wednesday, a Donald Trump supporter got aggressive with Orangeburg County, South Carolina, poll workers after they asked him to remove his “Let’s Go Brandon” hat.
The slogan is a euphemism for “F**k Joe Biden,” an overtly political message that South Carolina prohibits from polling places. Voters can’t wear anything that displays a political party, candidate, or agenda.

“The poll manager shall use every reasonable means to keep the area within five hundred feet of any such entrance clear of political literature and displays, and the county and municipal law enforcement officers, upon request of a poll manager, shall remove or cause to be removed any material within five hundred feet of any such entrance distributed or displayed in violation of this section,” the law states.
And that’s just what happened Wednesday in Orangeburg County. A poll worker informed the unidentified man that he needed to remove his cap with the MAGA-popularized slogan.
“You f—ing bitch!” he replied.
The female poll worker asked him to refrain from cursing at her.
He replies, “This is my motherf-ckin’ right right here!”
What the poll worker said next is tough to decipher, but the Trump voter doesn’t back down.
“A’ight then shut the hell up and let me vote!” he demands.
When it’s finally clear to him that he’s not going to be able to cast his ballot wearing the hat, the pot-bellied provocateur aggressively flips it in the direction of the next person in line.
The poll worker calls for help, “Take him outside.” He refuses, pointing in another poll worker’s face. The worker responds by slapping his chest with both hands. Some grabbing and pushing followed, with as many as five workers trying to restrain the MAGA man.
Eventually, another voter, an older female, talks the man into leaving the precinct.
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division is investigating the fracas. On social media, however, the investigation is complete. Either the MAGA man is a belligerent jerk who should be arrested, or the MAGA man is a victim denied his right to vote. Oh, and there’s a conspiracy or two attached.
Some examples from X:
“Trump voter was assaulted by South Carolina polling station workers during an argument over his MAGA hat. This comes just one day after Biden called half the country “garbage” and no one in Kamala’s campaign disavowed it,” one person wrote.
“A white Trump supporter in Orangeburg, South Carolina refused to take off his Trump cap, which is prohibited inside polling places and then threw down the hat and assaulted a black female local election worker. This man needs to be jailed. The MAGA cult gets bolder every day,” another person wrote.
This incident comes nearly one week after an almost identical situation unfolded at a Texas polling place. A man was asked by a 69-year-old poll worker to remove his hat supporting Trump, as Texas has a law similar to South Carolina prohibiting items of clothing that promote a specific candidate. The voter responded by punching the man in the face.
The unidentified suspect was arrested on felony charges of assaulting an elderly person and could face additional charges, Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar said.