By Nadia Johnson
I am a fan of Martin Luther King Jr. because of his beautiful dream for our nation. The blood that he and other civil rights leaders willingly shed in order for future generations to have the opportunities that they did not have for themselves speaks to their commitment to making our country great.
Dr. King wanted our country to live up to the ideals that it had in the beginning, which is that every man, woman, and child regardless of race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation was created equal in the eyes of the creator and with this being the case we cannot and should not discriminate against anyone different from us because that is ideology cheapens that moral code that the foundering fathers tried to instill in our country. So you can imagine how he and every civil rights, abolitionist, and freedom fighter would feel betrayed by having someone like Donald Trump as President of the United States.
Donald Trump and his supporters want to take America back to its dark history where discrimination ran rampant, women’s rights were nonexistent, where the subjection of other people was deemed right in the eyes of God, and where people could not live in their truth. It is with his return to the White House that he and his supporters willingly push for the most radical overhaul of the government since its conception in 1776.
His proposed policies are written out in Project 2025. He states that he wants to get rid of the Department of Education, and Homeland Security, outlaw transgender healthcare, and restructure the American family and marriage as being between a man and a woman. That children should rise by the man and woman who conceived them and no one else. He wants to give the government the right to tell people how to live their lives, what to think, what to watch, how and which God you should worship, and what to say. His government is taking away all freedom of thought and conscience that the founding fathers put in our Constitution.
What makes this even is that a man who is so consumed about not only getting power but keeping it is going to be sworn in on a day in which we as a country are celebrating a man who was willing to not only give the power to the people but was also willing to share it with people. Dr. King didn’t feel that to change the country for the better he had to control people in how they lived, thought, worshiped, or which government party they supported.
He made it simple if you want to change for the better you have to talk to the people and see what they are thinking, how things affect them, and for those who are ignorant and filled with hatred for their fellow man. We should try to change them not by controlling them or by infighting violence, but by showing them that we are all God’s creatures and as such deserve to be treated with the same respect as anyone, have the same rights as anyone, and the same control over both how we live our lives and have control over our bodies. Dr. King stated: ” History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people”. This is why I am not staying silent, but speaking up and trying my best to tell people that before they go and celebrate the inauguration of Trump on MLK Day remember that before him was a man who had a dream that his countrymen would be united together, sitting side by side together in the struggle to make this country finally to start living up to its ideals that were put in the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, which is every man is created equal in the eyes of God, which is an ideology that Donal Trump does not hold dear to his breast.