Vietnam and Cambodia are those kinds of places that standout to travelers. A bit exotic but not too far off the grid for those thatvalue safety and convenience. And with the internet making the world a smallerplace, things are quickly changing in these Southeast Asian countries — somestuff for the best, others, not so much.
While I’m all about getting off the beaten path, I think both of these countries have to be at the top of your travel bucket list. Beauty, culinary delights, and affordability are just a few of the reasons I would highly recommend exploring Vietnam and Cambodia with Club Adventures. Here are a few more.
The Real History
They say history is written by the “winners’ (as if warhas winners), and rarely is that more evident than in Southeast Asia. Whilewestern media would prefer we faun over the beautiful beaches and deliciousfood of this region, the impact of war, economic disaster, and genocide can’tbe denied. If we truly consider ourselves ethical travelers, we must confrontthese truths from the perspective of those who lived it. Unlike many placesaround the world, Vietnam and Cambodia have no problem with telling you whathappened here during their most turbulent times in history.
Reading about events and their impact on a community is one thing. But to see it first hand is another. While it isn’t necessary to see the actual atrocities, speaking with those that have first-hand knowledge can give you an entirely different perspective on things. Club Adventures doesn’t shy away from giving you this opportunity. From exploring the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh city to Visiting Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, you’ll not only be shown another perspective but paired with local experts that know the real history of these events.
Overlooked Food Culture
Vietnamese and Cambodian cuisine are incredibly underrated.While Thai and Singaporean cuisine have long been celebrated, it seems thatonly recently people have started taking these countries’ food cultureseriously.
The French influence on cuisine in both Vietnam and Cambodiais evident. Vietnamese dishes like Banh Mi and Cambodia staples like Nom Pangreflect this influence. However, you’ll find fantastic local dishes like Samlarkakou in Cambodia and Bun Cha in Vietnam to give you a look at how thesecountries might take over the Southeast Asian food scene very soon.
There are two dishes I HIGHLY recommend. In Vietnam, try Bun Cha. Many will say get Pho, but you can get a decent Pho pretty much anywhere in the world. In Cambodia, Lap Khmer. BONUS, both countries have AMAZING grilled meat. Eating with Club Adventures was of the highest priority during my recent trip.
The Local Vibe is Intoxicating
The locals make a place. We can wax poetic about thelandscape, food, and culture, but these are all byproducts of the locals you’llencounter. And few places in the world have kinder and more welcoming localsthan Vietnam and Cambodia.
From the local farmer to hotel clerks, people here are morethan willing to stop and help a tourist in any way they can. And I must say,I’m consistently taken aback by the sheer hospitality I experience in bothcountries.
Vietnam and Cambodian hospitality differ from say Thailand. In places like Indonesia and Thailand, hospitality can feel a bit forced. In Vietnam and Cambodia, it feels authentic. This isn’t a knock on places like Thailand and Indonesia; it’s just a byproduct of their much more extensive tourism infrastructure.
Diversity in Land and Cityscapes
I’m going to focus on Vietnam for this one. While Cambodiadoes have excellent biodiversity, Vietnam is one of the global leaders in thiscategory. From the world-renowned Halong Bay to the Mighty Mekong, Vietnamoffers a bit of everything for the adventurous tourist.
The Sand Dunes of Mui Ne, Fansipan Mountain in Sapa (YES Itsnows here), and Tram Chim National Park are only a few of the fantasticdestinations for you to explore. But what about those that aren’t exactlylooking to get back to nature?
Vietnam offers a wide range of beautifully preserved cities.Hoi An is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Giving you a chance to explore what wasone of Southeast Asia’s most famous cities. In Cambodia, can anymore be saidabout Siem Reap and the historical offerings there?
Club Adventures gives you a chance to explore both sides of each country with an itinerary that highlights land and cityscapes equally. Adjustable to your tastes, of course.
Hottest Destinations in Southeast Asia
The days of The Beach are over. Where waves of youngtravelers would explore unknown areas of Southeast Asia, barely breaking opentheir piggy banks. Places like Thailand and Indonesia, which have long been theregion’s most popular destinations, are becoming crowded and expensive. Vietnamand Cambodia have flown under the radar allowing a level of authenticdevelopment in the travel sector. Not relying on the sheer number of peoplethey can bring in. But how tourism can enhance the life of locals whilemaintaining the region’s culture.
I joke by saying Vietnam is what Thailand was 15 years ago.Exciting, raw, inexpensive, and uncrowded. While I tend to jest a bit, it’s notfar from the mark. Vietnam and Cambodia give you a chance to experience travelin a way that’s still relatively “authentic” and honest.
Charity Work in Every Itinerary
Voluntourism has become a topic of conversation in recentyears. And not for the best reasons. It appears that opportunistic”business” people are taking advantage of children and marginalizedpeople to make money off well-meaning tourists. A nefarious industry has beencreated. But what can people who genuinely want to help do?
One of my favorite aspects of exploring with Club Adventures was their commitment to empowering local communities and organizations in Cambodia. We had an opportunity to dine and support the Friends International restaurants and gift shops. This not only helps train the next generation of hospitality experts but also sells products created by the families of marginalized children. With the money going towards helping families have a sustainable future.
Finding ways to give back while traveling can be tough, indeed. But through the efforts of Club Adventures vetting practices, you can be sure that your money and time are going towards worthy causes.