SAVANNAH, Ga (WSAV) — It’s decades of tradition that draws in dozens near and far to Forsyth Park for the Greening of the Fountain on Friday.
The park was filled with a sea of green as the fountain turned a bright shade of Kelly. We spoke to families and friends in attendance who have returned to the event year after year, and have even invited their families from other states.
“We have a friend that just came in from Oklahoma,” Patty Williams said.
Janice Sauers said, “I have some come in from Texas.”
It’s no secret that people travel long distances for the experience. However, a lot of local people were first timers. Jonee and Caroline Avendano were finally able to join in on the traditional fun.
“We decided because we live here, we love the city and I’ve always wanted to actually catch the Greening of the Fountain,” Jonee said. “So, to be able to make it here today was kind of a big deal.”
The attire did not disappoint. Gail Southwood said you can always find her decked out in green, adding that it is the way to go when it’s green season.
WSAV is told by many that a shared sense of community is what draws the crowds back year after year.
“The folks that I will see today, I won’t see again till next year,” Williams said. “And we just pick up where we left off.”
“It feels like a community,” Jonee said. “It’s funny because a lot of the people are not from the community, but the way that you get to feel like a community here and just seeing everything turn green, it felt like everyone was one.”
We’re told people from all walks of life are committed to keeping the tradition alive.
“You have to hold on to traditions here,” Don Hicks said. “They’re hard to hold on to because as you get older, you’re physically able to do less and less. So, we’re going to do this as long as we can and if someday, we have to get pushed around and wheelchairs, we will still be coming.”